Emotional Regulation
and Wellbeing
We have a wide range of emotions because we need them all! They help us to respond, communicate, feel and behave. Emotional wellness typically associates with pleasant emotions, However, how we handle the unpleasant ones is actually the most significant indicator in life.
This is important for your overall health. You can control your thoughts and feelings to better cope. Whether they are positive or negative, being aware and manage them right away is important. Repression creates a boomerang effect. If you carry baggage from the past it will come back heavier.

Fear, Guilt and Shame
Fear is one of the basic emotions. It happens automatically without much cognitive processing. While shame and guilt are self conscious emotions and therefore more complex, these three have a tremendous impact on our life, activating our defense mechanisms for no real cause and preventing us from achieving. Thus, we live in the shadow of our negative thoughts.
Your subconscious wants to resolve this emotional baggage. We aim to achieve a release of unneeded associations to let go and enjoy life. The experience helps gain positive learnings to replace these negative emotions with new choices, beliefs and will. From the outside things will stay the same, but from within you will change. You gain inner strength with nothing holding you back.
Your subconscious wants to resolve this emotional baggage. We aim to achieve a release of unneeded associations to let go and enjoy life. The experience helps gain positive learnings to replace these negative emotions with new choices, beliefs and will. From the outside things will stay the same, but from within you will change. You gain inner strength with nothing holding you back.
Why is Hypnotherapy so effective in supporting emotional wellbeing?
Why is Hypnotherapy so effective in supporting emotional wellbeing?
Unwanted negative feelings and behaviors are common effects of dominant pathways in the mind. In adulthood the ability to form neural pathways begins to reduce. Heightened opportunity for the brain is required in order to form new paths.With Clinical Hypnotherapy clients are guided to enter and stay in a state of hypnosis, slowing brain waves promoting a deep state of relaxation, hyper focus and neuroplasticity. You receive therapeutic suggestions to change past perception, reduce emotional charge, taking the control from the subconscious we can:
- Locate the root cause of the issue, decision and attached emotions.
- Heal feelings, eliminate fear, have stress relief, thoughts and beliefs.
- Subconsciously restructures the pathways that have formed incorrectly.